impactful keywords, optimized for quality and SERP

Using a series of proprietary analysis tools, I delve through your website, one element at a time, looking for all the issues which could impede high ranking. You’ll get an in-depth report with a prioritized set of fixes. Areas I address:
Assessment of current keywords
Recommendations for additional keywords
Competitive positioning in the search engines
Current visibility in the search engines
Content & copy -- search engine friendliness
Freshness of content
Keyword use in copy
Site architecture (organization around silos or themes)
Site maps
URL Structure
Internal page link structure
Meta tags
Image alt tags
Domain aging
Backlink assessment vs. competitors
Top level link acquisition recommendations
Conversion issues (task oriented)

This is truly the "MacDaddy Report". When I’m done, you’ll have a roadmap of what needs fixing and enough information on how to implement the fixes. The “biggest-bang-for-the-buck” items are highlighted so you’ll know where to focus first.

Keyword Jumpstart
Extensive SEO market research for your website provides for successful optimization. We combine our keyword analysis of your industry and current search volumes with an evaluation of your current online search. The end result identifies a minimum of 8-10 impactful keywords, optimized for quality and SERP competitiveness to jumpstart your SEO campaign.

Local Search Optimization
Local Search Optimization steers your local community to your website. By building data driven, high quality incoming links, we ensure accurate and consistent information across the web.Your website is easy to find on any search engine your local customer uses, strengthening and enhancing your community visibility.

On Page Optimization
Effective On Page Optimization means your landing page is ‘search engine friendly’, as accessible as possible to numerous search engines. Our proven design methods and website coding processes allow search engines to ‘understand’ your landing page, propelling your website to the top of search results.

Video Optimization
Through video optimization, your video is easily recognized and understood by sites such as YouTube, Google and Bing. Our established best practices optimize descriptions, titles and transcripts of your video, instantly increasing viewership among your customer base.

SEO S.W.O.T. Analysis
A thorough exploration of strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats to your website’s optimization lays the groundwork for a successful SEO strategy. Our S.W.O.T. analysis includes data on keywords, search engine familiarity and friendliness, website code, competitor’s websites and several other areas determined to be crucial to your websites short term and long term success.

Traffic Analytics
A prosperous web presence requires a solid understanding of how visitors find your website and what they do once they visit the site. We configure precise analytics and reporting, interpreting traffic data and customer insight, links, social data and SERP (Search Engine Ranking Position), allowing you the fine tuning for conversions that you need while leveraging your position in the market.

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